How technology can help in a disaster

Technology can help in a disaster because  it can find out when there is a disaster coming so they can tell people and they can flee there home. Another way technology can help is buy using there cell phones so they can call for help.And that is why technology can help in a disaster.

2 thoughts on “How technology can help in a disaster

  1. Luke,

    I totally agree with you. I am a fan of technology evolution, and those two examples you gave are great ones that can help in a natural disaster. Although there are more, for example, my science class we are doing the egg drop project. That might seem as if it is just a cool science experiment, but it can actually help in disasters by safely droping items from a helicopter that the people need. Do you think you can build something like that?


  2. Lukef4055,
    I agree with you on how technology can help during a disaster and how it can tell us/warn us where it is coming from.

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