Week 9: Let’s Shine

This week’s challenge is a test about your blogging skills. (Yes I will be grading this!!!)

Essentials of a great post:

  1. catchy title
  2. includes at least two visuals whether photo, cartoon, video or another web 2.0 tool like padlet, glogster, wordle etc
  3. interesting topic with the passion of the author coming through, shows well researched topic
  4. well written and not copy/pasted from somewhere else
  5. shows it has been proofread and spell checked
  6. written in paragraphs – at least three of them
  7. includes links to other websites on similar topics – at least two of these
  8. attribution for any images, video, music or clip art used – including those used in slideshows etc

Here are some examples of posts from a previous challenge:

So what will the topic be for you to blog about?


Possible writing ideas:

Your favorite animal

Problems like poaching, cruelty, extinction

Anything to do with animals


Make sure you check hints 2, 7 and 8 in the essentials of a great post (at the beginning of this post)

Many of you have already written posts about animals. Please do not just re-post your old work. You need to write a new, original post this week.

Week 8: Let’s Travel

Last week we had a great deal of fun reading other students blogs and leaving them comments. Thank you to all the people who left quality comments on our student blogs. This week we will be continuing with the Student Blogging Challenge.

So you have just turned 18, left high school and deciding if you will go onto university. What will you do for the next year? If you are anything like me, you will travel the world, working in lots of different countries and learning about cultures that are of interest to you.

This week’s activities are all to do with traveling. If you don’t like my ideas, do something that is of interest to you but related to other countries.

Please use one or more web tools you haven’t used before – eg glogster, storybird, kizoa – there are lots of tools to use on the sidebar of the student blogging challenge page as well as here and Edublogs staff have put together a great list including how to embed into your blog.

Planning your trip

  • Look at passports, visas, working permits for 3 countries you would like to visit.
  • Create a map showing your proposed journey – remember this may change
  • What will you need to pack? Remember weight limits when flying.
  • How will you travel?
  • Where will you stay?
  • Create budget for part of your journey

On your way

  • International signage for toilets etc, signs on roads
  • What will my money buy?- exchange rates – how much is a cup of coffee in 3 different countries?
  • Contacting mum and dad – know your time zones, how to use skype or similar
  • Flight times – using 24 hour time – how long are flights between major cities?
  • Make a collage of where you visited
  • Teach us some of the language of at least three countries eg How much is a cup of coffee? Where are the toilets?
  • Create a story of your journey
  • Interview some of your employers or relatives you stay with
  • Create a playlist of 9 pieces of music or dance from your journey – not in English

Home sweet home

  • How will you tell your friends about your journey?
  • What were the highlights and lowlights of each country?
  • Where would you visit again and why?

If you need to use images remember to find those that are creative commons.

Have fun on your trip!!!

Week 6: Let’s work then play

This week’s student blogging challenge will focus on play. Earlier this year we participated in Global School Play Day and we are going to look at play again.

Challenges (Choose One):

1. Research board games – when, where and why were they invented?

2. Create a new game for someone to de-stress from their lifestyle.

4. Research ball games around the world – find out the rules and then try playing something similar at school or home. How did it go? (Do not choose American games like baseball!)

6. The electricity grid went out in your country. That means no electricity, no TV, no video games. What would change in your lifestyle? How would you relax?

7. Survey class members about games they have at home. Are you going to include computer games? Create some interesting graphs about results.

Remember, when you are doing research you need to give credit to where you found your information. Cite the resources you use!

Week 5: Favorites

Great job on last week’s Student Blogging Challenge. This week will be a longer task. Due to Spring Break you will have two and a half weeks to work on your post. The post will be due April 15th.

The topic this week is Favorites.

Post Requirements:

  1. At least three paragraphs
  2. An image, video, or music with correct attribution
  3. A title that grabs the attention of the readers
  4. At least one link to another website so readers can build on the information you have written
  5. A question for readers to answer

OK, so what is the post supposed to be about? Pick something that is your favorite (food, book, movie, author, sport, hobby, etc.) and tell the world about it. You need to make sure your post focuses on only one thing, not multiple favorites. Please plan and organize your writing, especially since this is a multi-paragraph writing assignment.


This week’s challenge allows for a great deal of creativity. Please check out the Student Blogging Challenge sidebar titled “Web tools to use.” These are great creation tools and I would love to see you try creating some sort of media to add to your favorites post. Explore, experiment, have fun!

Week 4: Let’s join globally

We are continuing our Student Blogging Challenge. This week will be focusing on expanding our views to become global citizens.

Photo Credit: geralt via pixabay

Photo Credit: geralt via pixabay

Please complete at least one of the following activities:

Activity 3:

Visit at least 5 blogs from countries other than your own. Leave a comment on a post at each blog. Now write your own post including the comment you have left and linking to each post you commented on.

Activity 4:

If you could create an international event, what would it be called? What would we be celebrating? Create some of the advertising material you might use – eg logo, banner, image, flyer

Activity 5:

Think of a special celebration in one country of the world. Find three images of the event. Under each image, give a clue as to the event.

On the final line, write a bit more about the event for your visitors to read. Include a link to another website giving more information on the event. Remember to include attribution for each image and perhaps a question for your readers to answer.

Activity 8:

What are some games or apps you use that relate to global studies or geography of the world? Include a link to the website or app.

Activity 9:

What could you, your class, your school, your town do to help with the climate change problem for more than the one hour on Saturday 28 March 2015?

Week 3: Let’s show photos

We have been having a great time with the student blogging challenge. We created avatars and learned about quality commenting. This week is going to be about creating posts that contain media (photos, audio, video).

The most important thing that we need to learn about this week is creative commons and copyright. Below are some resources to teach us about these important ideas:

Picture sources:

| Unsplash | Morguefile | Open ClipArt | Pics4Learning | Compfight | Multicolr Search Lab | Wikimedia Commons | Getty Open Content Images | Getty Images | Pixabay |

Music and sound effects sources:

Jamendo14 websites for music, 20+ websites for music, 55+ sites with sound effects

Read Sue Waters’ post for instructions on how to add images and attribution to a post.


 Activity 3: Find an image or piece of music. Add it to your post (with attribution) and write a poem relating to the image or music. Invite your readers to write their own poems.

Examples: Fernando and Samantha

Activity 4: Find an interesting landscape image (include attribution).  Write the beginning of a story relating to your image. Remember to include a conflict of some sort between your characters. Invite your readers to finish the story.

Activity 5: Write a sentence using just images – no words. You still need to include attribution for each image you have used.

Activity 8: Find an image (make sure it is creative commons or public domain) and add it to your post (with attribution). Using a digital camera or your iPad, take an original photo related to the first image and add it to your post. Give yourself credit for the original photograph. Write about how your original photo was inspired by the image you found on the internet.


Week 2: Let’s Comment!

This week of the student blogging challenge is all about learning to write quality comments. We want to be able to read other people’s work and add positive constructive feedback. We also want to be able to keep a conversation going through quality posts and comments.

Commenting Tips:

Check out Mrs. Yollis and her students’ blog for tips on how to compose a quality comment.

Please refer to our Blogging Guidelines page for other helpful tips on commenting.

Which of the following comments would you prefer to find on your blog?


this is a great blog. i like Katy Perry too. plz visit my blog at ……………..

G’day John, I enjoyed reading your post about Talk like a Pirate Day. We also did that in our class. We dressed as pirates, spoke using pirate terms, but also found out there are still pirates roaming the seas even in modern times. Do you know how they are different to the old time pirates? Visit our class blog to read what we found out. …………….  Miss Wyatt


Activity 1: Write a post, create a video, or create a poster about commenting.

Activity 4: Write a post about the overseas blogs that you have commented on.

Last week you were encouraged to visit class and student blogs and read about topics that interested you. You were also asked to leave comments on their blogs to start or contribute to a conversation. Which blogs did you visit? What countries? What topics?

Activity 9: Questions in a post.

Write a post asking questions about one country mentioned in activity 4. Have at least 6 questions in your post. If your questions are interesting you might get lots of comments.

Week 1: Student Blogging Challenge

We are about to get started on our student blogging challenge. The ideas for this challenge are coming from the edublogs website. Use our comments section to submit your activities.

Week 1: Let’s talk about us

Students – The point of the blogging challenge is to try a different blogging related idea each week. As digital citizens we will be writing and revising our thoughts in an online forum.  We will be trying to make some new friends from all over the world. In order to do this we will also be exploring other people’s blogs and commenting on their work. Week one is all about letting people get to know us, and trying to learn about them as well.

Remember to be internet safe with all of these activities! No personal information. See class blogging guidelines.

Let’s start the activities

Whenever you meet a new person or join a group, there are three things you will most likely do.

  1. Look at the outside view of the person – do they look like the type of person you would enjoy being with?
  2. Then you would go deeper by asking some basic questions about the person and their interests.
  3. Finally, you would connect through shared interests.

We are going to cover those three things this week. First we will create an avatar to represent our outside view. Next, we will be updating our about page to represent our class and our interests. Finally, you are going to search for other students your age who also have similar interests by reading and commenting on blogs.

Creating  avatars:

Activity 1: Create your own avatar. This will be an online representation of yourself. Save it to your iPad camera roll or your own computer as a jpeg file format no larger than 200 x 200 pixels. Once it is saved, upload it to Google Drive and share it with Mr. Helpern. You might need to crop and resize.

Avatar websites that work on an iPad:

DoppelMe | CodeCanyon

iPad avatar apps:

WeeMee | Cute Avatar Creator | Avatar Creator

Avatar websites for the computer:

Marvel Superhero | Build Your Wild Self | Face Your Manga | Avachara | My Blue Robot

Activity 3: Class activity

As a class create a slideshow of our user avatars. Once I have your avatars from activity 1 (shared through Google Drive), I can put them together to create a slideshow.

Activity 4:  Write a comment describing your avatar. How much does it look like you? What sort of personality does your avatar have? What makes it typically you?

Activity 5:  What are some apps or other websites you could use to create an avatar?

About page or post

What shout we add to our class About page?

Activity 6: Create your own About Me comment. Be careful about how much personal information you include. Try to be creative in both your words like Felix, or by including visuals like Warrior Kat. More students to check out: Nicole, Kendall,  Tina,

  • Write a poem
  • Write an A-Z paragraph eg I am an athletic, yet brainy child who decided that saving the environment is one of my future goals.
  • Create a video like our mentor Dinah has done
  • Students in Ireland paired up to create their about us page, Ms Seitz’ class did the same

Activity 7:  What are some apps or websites you could use to create something interesting to add to your About me page? Perhaps a word cloud or glogster – brainstorm as a class.

Activity 8: class activity

Create a class avatar using Voki. Look at these examples from Mrs Essen’s class and Mrs McKelvey’s Blogging Frogs

Visiting other blogs

One important aspect of blogging is commenting on other blogs. Classes and student participants are grouped according to similar ages. Visit some other blogs, read posts, get ideas from them, leave a comment. Make sure you include our blog URL (https://helpernshelpers.edublogs.org) so they can come to visit our blog.

Activity 9: Are there other students your age with similar interests to you? Visit them and leave a comment on a post or their about me page.

Make sure you read their comments and reply back to them. In fact, you should reply back to any interesting comments you receive – that is how conversations get started.

Post your activities in our comments section.

Leave a comment on this blog post when you have finished your activity or activities for this week. What activity did you do? Why? What did you enjoy about doing the activity?