New Year’s Eve

Everyone has fun on New Year’s Eve right? I know my family had a good time. First, we watched the movie Mall Cop. It was hilarious and entertaining. “Aha,” I said. ” I knew he was the bad guy.” After the movie finished all of us headed over to my cousins house in our pajamas. My cousins were having a party.

Next, once we got to their house all of the kids went outside to play with our cousin’s dog Max. We would start running and Max would chase us. Finally, everyone crowded in the house to watch the ball drop. In New York on New Year’s Eve a huge crowd will form to watch the ball drop declaring the New Year in Time Square.

Lastly, everyone got poppers and horns to play with as a celebration. After that, we set up a game called kick the can. I went to hide at the side of the house hoping the person that was it wouldn’t find me. It was a good hiding spot until my little sister came rushing in making crunching noises. “Shhh you will give us away” I said. Eventually, I was found along with my sister but it was still fun. So that was my New Year’s Eve. Hopefully you had a good time too.

One thought on “New Year’s Eve

  1. I loved how you used details to describe the events that happened. “It was hilarious and entertaining…” I also loved how you had a bit of dialogue every once and a while, it helped show what you thought, “Aha,” “I knew he was the bad guy!” or “Shh, you will give us away!” Great small moment writing in general!

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