Halloween night

Made by jenibelle The app that made this is pic collage

Made by jenibelle
The app that made this is pic collage

One Halloween night when kids were trick or treating and family’s were watching scary movies there was a earthquake and it lasted five minutes and something after that felt weird to every one so soon Jake got up from the table and then Jake realized that his parents were missing. After ten minutes of searching for his parents around his house he went outside to see if they were trying to figure out what had happened right now. So Jake now was searching the whole town to find his parents, but he had no luck in finding them. Then Jake called the cops and the cops answered but they said that today was there day of and wouldn’t be available until tomorrow afternoon. Now Jake was doomed and now it was time go to search the rest of the town even the restricted areas. Now Jake was about  to pass the cemetery that he always passes on his way to school but today something was different the graves in the graveyard had writing on them that wasn’t there  before and then he saw the dirt that was smooth and completely covered now was uncovered! Then when he looked around he saw the dead coming to life! Jake was so freaked out that he almost peed in his pants!

Now that was just one part of one of the creepy things Jake saw. Another  thing he saw was crazy people throwing glass bottles at him while he was riding his scooter witch usually didn’t happen in Storybook. Since he was getting freaked out with all the people doing weird stuff he decided to look out of town . On his way out of town he saw his parents but they looked invisible  and not real so Jake just  ignored them and kept riding his scooter. Three  minutes later Jake saw signs that said people were missing and one one of the signs it had his parents name on them ,but the sign said they died . Jake sad so sad that he cried for an hour ,them suddenly his was back in his own room again with his parents and realized it was just a dream. So in the night it happened all over again but it was still just a dream.

The End!

The Pumpkin Man Curse

One day on Halloween a evil curse spread through the town of HallowsVile. Nobody knew what was going to happen so they just did what normal people did on Halloween and decorated their houses. While everyone had perfect,new,and beautiful pumpkins there was one jack-o-lantern all alone in the middle of the town. The townspeople  did not touch it but wondered how it got there and who it belonged to. Finally, it became dark enough to start trick-or-treating and the untouched pumpkin looked scary.

Next, the pumpkin began to move and wiggle and soon enough it sprouted out arms and legs! It got up and walked into the shadows destroying all the decorations on families houses. It jumped from its hiding places and scare children. By one house, there was two children watching him doing all of this and their names were Sadie and Nick. “What is that thing and what is it doing to everyone,”asked Nick watching in horror. ” I don’t know but we should do something about it,” said Sadie. So the children followed the pumpkin man.

Last, Nick and Sadie ran through all of the townspeople who were trick-or-treating but now running away to their homes to get away from the pumpkin man. “I think he went this way,” said Nick. They turned around the corner and saw the pumpkin man crushing things on other people’s houses. The two kids hid behind a bush. “The plan is you distract the pumpkin dude and I go behind him and tie him up with this,” said Sadie as she held up a rope. Nick agreed to the plan and got up. “HEY PUMPKIN MAN,” shouted Nick and he threw a rock at him. Nick missed but he got the pumpkin man’s attention. It started to run towards him. Nick ran away yelling while Sadie came up behind the pumpkin man and tied the rope around his neck and pulled him down. He squirmed and shook but couldn’t get up.

In the end, Sadie and Nick were rewarded for saving the town. They walked through cheering people and smiled. The only reason they were smiling was because the Halloween monster was gone. After that day, the kids went to where the pumpkin man was. Now, he was just a pumpkin again. So Sadie and Nick smashed the pumpkin just in case. They finally felt safe.

Have you ever wanted to know the origins of Halloween

Old farmer Believe Spirit on the date 10/31/- the day of spirits.  Spirits come to a farm and kill crops it happen in till smart farmer crops mostly  pumpkins. The smart farmer though the spirits wanted crops. So they   put pumpkins on the door step. People give candy to trick-or-treaters they you to give crops spirits. So you  where  costume To  act to be spirits.through the years Halloween chance since it was longer ago. Halloween was spirit killing crops to people dressing up in costume ringing door bells giving candy.


A Spooky Halloween Story

Created by Juliana  The app that made this is pic collage .

Created by Juliana
The app that made this is pic collage .

It all started on october the 31st the day everybody got to be what ever they wanted to be like me i want to be a super hero. Moslty every body loved HALLOWEEN well becuase YOU GET FREE CANDY YA.I mean who does not love free CANDY i know i do . BUT some peolple enjoy giving out candy enstead of take it from houses .THEN the day finally came Aqua and her friend were so exicded becuase the knew that if aquas mom took them they would go trick-or treating for more than 3 hours .THEN finally they got to a huanted house but one of them was scared guess who? of course if you guessed aqua and her best friend sky you are correct aquas mom gave Aqua 20.00 dollars to go get something to eat after they went trick -or treating .

They were hugging each like there was no tomorrow!They were screaming as soon as they were out of the haunted house👻. They got lost because there mom had left because she was hungry because she did not eat breakfast or lunch so she went to El  Pollo Loco she got the family meal and forgot about the children her face looked surprised but she continued eating . About a hour later the girls were very scared they had looked everywhere they thought that they might not every see aquas mom again.

Aqua remembered her mom had gave her 20.00 dollars when she told Sky the played rock paper siscors because KFC was close to where they were but on the other side El Pollo Loco. They got tied 2 on 2 finally Aqua won so they got El Pollo Loco. They reached where they wanted to be wich was El Pollo Loco they also got the family meal they sat two tables away from aquas mom . Finally aquas mom noticed Aqua and sky . They went home and chose which candy was opened and not opened then again her mom stole a little bit of candy . That’s was the spooky Halloween story Thank you ladies and gentlemen .

Lord Voldemort’s Pumpkin Slave ( A Spirit?)

Once upon a time, there was a man named Voldemort. He was the worst person ever in the world. He kills non magical creatures, and yet still tries to kill everyone at a school named Ravenwarts. Ravenwarts was a school most magical people go. 7 years then you graduate. There was also a hero named, Spencer. He is in his final year, and  Lord Voldemort is trying to kill him. Every plan usually fails. But since it was Halloween he had a bright idea. He casted a spell no one ever uses.

“1 Scorpions eye to make this surprise.”

“1 Goblins tail to rule the hail.”

“2 Milky Ways to make him today.”

“1 Blood cell to make him very well.”

“Finally 3 candy corn, for his evilness galore!”

The spell took a hour and finally a horrible thing happened for the good, a evil Halloween Spirit came out! Voldemort bowed, for he did not control this rare opportunity. “What do you want from me?” It said, looking like he always does, rolls his eyes. “I want you to kill the famous Spencer Dixon, for he has always foiled my plans.” said Voldemort. ” You need to pay for this, Lord. For you, need to make me a little brother!” (= He always wanted one. =) “Seriously?” Said Voldemort. He sighed, then went to work.

3 Days later, he finally made a little brother for him. He was of course happy. He let him take off his head, and then that Halloween Spirit, turned into a Spell God AKA Assassin! This was the best Lord has done. Wormtail said to help. Wormtail is his assassin brother. He kills muggles to. “Please Lord, let me kill him with this pumpkin Lord.” He said. “Alright, 2 is better then 1!”  But the Lord said a second later, “I wanna come just so this Halloween Spirit doesn’t mess up!” So all THREE killers went to Ravenwarts to battle Spencer. They hoped Spencer was tired.

He wasn’t, but when they arrived, 2 guards blocked the door. “Helomanius!” Said the spirit. All of a sudden the sky went red, and millions of Goblins went to attack them.  The guards couldn’t keep there guard, and they were soon defeated by millions of Goblins. But the sky stayed red, and the Goblins invaded the school. One goblin forced a cook to eat a Ghost Chiji Pepper they just created. They passed out just by the spice. They cried for help, but Spencer was sleeping.

In the morning, the place was deserted. Literally, everyone ran away to Netherlands, and no one was there. Spencer was the only one, but when he woke up, he saw his eyes. But who’s eyes?

“Voldemort?” Spencer said nervous. There wasn’t a word. The sky was black now, and he couldn’t see a thing. There was no light at all, and not even a whisper was heard. He started to get scared, since he was alone in the dark. Then the scariest thing scared him so bad. “Boo.” Said Voldemort. Spencer jumped so high, he hit The Moon. Technically it was the Halloween Spirit who made it pitch black. “Voldemort!” He said angrily. “Yes it is me,” he started to talk, “and I am handsome of course. I think you are quite mean, due to your rude behavior to me.”

He went on for 3 hours, saying the rudest things he had ever heard. Voldemort stopped and said, “Avadara Kendara!” He tried to kill Spencer, but he was to fast. It hit a light bulb and hit a Goblin, and he was killed. “STAND STILL DORK!” He screeched. “No way loser,” he said back, then he said “Teleportation Kilaria!” Then Wormtail and Voldemort got teleported into their castle. But the Halloween Spirit remained, frightening and deadly. He spawned all his Goblins, but he deflected all their attacks.

He used a spell, to vanish them back to the castle. “Teleportation Kilaria!” The Halloween Spirit actually got hit by a disarming spell. “GAHHH!” It bellowed. His friends came and started doing that to. It was almost sunrise. If it was sunrise, he would kill him, because he would be invincible! “GAHHH!” It said. It was 5 seconds away. “GAHHH!” 4 Seconds. “GAHH!” 3 seconds “GAH!” 1 second BOOM! He was resurrected into pumpkin. “NOOOOOOO!” He screamed. But all it said was squealing noises. “I should learn the squealing language…” Thought Spencer.

Then the sky cleared and the sky was beautiful. They all cheered. They gave Spencer a big hug and everyone was happily ever after at Ravenwarts.

Meanwhile back at the castle, a witch named Yohi was boiling the Spirit. “CURSE YOU EVIL HALLOWEEN SPIRIT!” Said Voldemort, for he had failed…

once again.


Moral: Never be so sure things get your way. Don’t summon minions (:

I love Harry Potter 😀

the end of Halloween



Photo Credit: barnimages via Compfight cc

there once was a man named Jeff  ho hated Halloween

Jeff was walking home and tpd a houes because they loved Halloween

“Haha that’s what hapens wen you love Halloween”

“hay you get back here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“It’s Time to end  hallaween for ever”

He biult a time machine and went back in time and stops the first Halloween

“Muhhaha no more Halloween”

“but we thot you were dead”

“no that was my clone”

then he ended Halloween