No More Internet for Homework or Research

At school I do a lot of research and homework on the internet. I see a lot of inappropriate material, unreliable sources, and my school iPad doesn’t work at home. Since most schools use the internet for homework and research now most kids will see these things. That’s why I think kids should not use the internet for homework or research.

First, students can find inappropriate material on the site they are using. An inappropriate pop-ad might be on the page. Also, the student might be trying to find a video and instead of coming up with what they want it shows them an inappropriate video. Then, the site they are using can have inappropriate language. They might not know it is bad and use it.

Second, they could be using an unreliable and therefore that site gives them false information. They also maybe using an outdated site so they don’t get all the information they need. Finally, there might be 2 conflicting sites and they don’t know which one to use.

Third, the student might not have internet access at home. Then they don’t do their homework. Second, they might get on the site but their homework or research might not be recorded. Then, there might not be a place for them to do homework or research on the internet.

In conclusion, it is a bad idea for students to do homework or research on the internet. Our world would be a better and safer place. Kids would act age appropriate and safe. Kids would act age appropriate because, they won’t know stuff they aren’t supposed to know. I want you to use a book for research or homework instead of the internet.

The Quickest Bird

My 3rd favorite animal is the peregrine falcon. I like the peregrine falcon because it is the fastest animal in the world. The fastest recorded speed of a peregrine falcon was 242 mph. Peregrine falcons mostly live on the coast but still can be found further inland. The only place you won’t find them are in extreme polar regions, very high mountains, most tropical rainforest, and New Zealand.


Peregrine falcons defend their nest furiously. They will even attack larger animals. Peregrine falcons mate for life. They normally build their nest on a high cliff or more recently they have made nest on tall man-made buildings. Peregrine falcons breeding range are from the artic tundra to the tropics.

Peregrine Falcons thrive on pigeons in the city and other medium-sized birds. They will also eat small mammals, small reptiles, and insects. They usually perch on high places. The way peregrine falcons get their prey is either from a flat out race or a stoop. When the peregrine falcon does a stoop it is the fastest animal in the world.

To show you how fast they are watch this video.

For more information visit these two sites.


2 countries that I would stay at for a year are England and China. England also speaks English like America. They just have an accent and some different words that we don’t use like cheerio’ pip pip. Chinese use an entirely different language. Like Ni hao wo-duh ming-d’zih Yi en. That means Hello my name is Ian.Depending on what you want prices at Starbucks in England are from $1.60 and $3.40. In China prices at Starbucks a latte is  as high as $4.40. England is 8 hours ahead of England and China is 15 hours ahead of California.

I will travel by plane. The weight limit on most planes is 50 pounds. I would pack clothes, a camera, books, pictures of my family and friends, my wallet, and my Iphone. I will stay in an apartment or small house. I would want it to be low matnince. My budget will be 5,000 dollars. I would use part of the money to get tickets for the plane and then I would use the rest to start me off with an apartment. Once I get the apartment I would get a job so I can make money.


Parcheesi is a game made by the Parker Brothers. Made in India Parcheesi may have been invented as early as 500 AD. Parchessi is called the Royal Game of India, because the royal families would dress servents in different colored costumes. When played they would stand on a large board outside.

Parcheesi is were you have 4 ponds. You have 2 dice. You roll the dice and you have to get a 5 to get out of the circle. After you have got your pond out of the circle you try to get your pond around the board and up your color into the center. If you roll double you get to roll again.

Photo Credit: crookoo via  Pixabay

Photo Credit: crookoo via Pixabay

To win the game you need to get all your ponds in the center. You need the exact amount to get into the center. If somebody lands on the same spot as you and you’re not on a safe spot your pond has to go back to where you started. The safe spot is a blue spot with a circle in the center.

That’s when, where, and why Parcheesi was invented and how to play.



My favorite sport is baseball. I really enjoy baseball. My favorite position in baseball is 1st base. There are many baseball teams in the world. My favorite baseball team is the Angels.

Baseball is a good way to exercise. If you have a lot of energy baseball is also a good way to get your energy out. Baseball keeps you healthy you can run, play catch, or hit the ball. You can run drills in baseball. You can do something called a bucket drill, where you hit ground balls to the team and the put it in the bucket. You can also do a drill called Criss-Cross where you pass it around the bases.

Baseball is a team sport. You make a lot of friends when you play team sports. You have to have good team spirit. You can have team spirit just by cheering on your team. If you don’t have team spirit you are letting your team down.

Do you play baseball or like baseball  or do you play any other sports?