Why Not Walk?

A few summers ago I was in the Cayman Islands for vacation. We walked to all the close places on the island and it felt great! Because of this, I think that people should walk or do other things like bike or skateboard to get to their destination. If people did this they would have fun while getting around. Second, walking saves gas money that you can spend on more important things. Finally, I think that we should walk places because it puts less smog and chemicals in the air and that is better for the environment.

When we walk places we would have fun while getting around. My proof for this is that biking, skateboarding, and walking is fun and having fun feels good. Secondly, when we ride bikes or skateboards we learn a new skill that could become a hobby. Also, if we walk we would get a lot more exercise.

Another reason is that if we walked we would save gas money for the more important things. My reasons for this are that food is much more important than gas for your car. My second reason is that we could save gas money for bills and rent. My third reason is that clothes are more important than gas.

In addition, if we used cars less it would put less smog and chemicals in the air. Also, smog is making the earth warmer and that is melting polar ice caps. Furthermore, smog is making the water dirty, which is killing fish. Lastly, if there were less smog it would make cities cleaner.

For these reasons, I think that if we walked or did other things like skateboard or bike to the place that they are traveling to it would be better. When we do this we will be getting exercise, saving money, and helping the environment. So next time you’re going somewhere, why not try walking?

The Great White Shark: Myths and Facts



There are many myths about the great white shark and one of them is that they always stay close to the coast. When people tagged the sharks they found found something very different. They actualy travel from the California coast to Hawaii and that is just one of their migrations. This California to Hawaii migration is 2467 miles long. They cover atleast 42 miles per day says The Daily Telegraph of London.
A female great white shark tagged in waters off South Africa has completed the first known across ocean trip for an individual shark, traveling farther than any other shark known, more than 12,400 miles  to the coast of Australia and back again, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). This shark also complited this migration in under 9 months. She also made the record for the fastest return migration of any know marine animal


Another myth is that the great white shark eats its pray as soon as it bites it. We see this in movies and TV shows but the truth is different. They actually bite their prey and then let go, wait for their prey to die, then eat it. If a human is bitten and the shark lets go, then this could be an opportunity for rescue. This proves the saying “Never swim alone.”

There are many more things still to learn about the great white shark. We may also find that many things that we thought were fact about the great white shark, are actualy myth.

Photo credit: Luke

Photo credit: Luke

World Travel

If I were 18 and I would travel the world I think that I would start of in  Australia I would love to go swimming with whale sharks and also spend time at the Great Berear Reef. I would need to have a bathing suits and a snorcal mask. Also a wet suit and diving gear. Australia is 17 hours ahead of california. I would want to stay there for 3 weeks and work as a diving ture guide. If I wanted to contact my family at home I would need to call in the morning or afternoon. A plane tocket would cost from $700 to $2400 and I would travel on a 747 airplane.

Next I would want to spend time Madagascar. I would want to go in the rain forest and see monkys and other animals. I would want to spend one week here. This is 11 hours ahead of california so I would need to call my home at 8am or 8pm.

Finaly I would like to go to south Africa for one week. I would want to go shark cage diving with Great White Sharks. I would like to see lions and alot of other sevana animals. I would like to zip line if they have them. South Africa 9 hours ahead of California so I would need to call home in the morning. This would be the end of my trip and I would go back home to my family and tell all my experences.


International Ball Sports: What would you play?

I am making a list that has some international sports. International sport are sports that are not played in the USA. One of these sports is lacrosse. This sport was first played by Native American men. they would play this to keep strong and to have a quick mind. Both of these skills were good for war and hunting.

Another ball sport played internationaly is Rugby. Some of the places that this sport is played is in Alstralea, New Zealand, England , and South Africa. This sport was origanaly invented in England. It is played in a rectangular feild with 15 or 13 people on each team.  The ball is oval shaped and players where no armor. This means that they get alot of injurys. I got all information on rugby from Britannica Online

My last ball sport is squash. This sport is played with a small rubber ball and a racket with a handle. The cort is a box and you hit the ball up agains the wall and then the other other player has to hit it. Squash is played in England and there are different versions of it. Some are harder than others. I got all my information on squash from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/561738/squash-rackets

Do you skateboard?


Photo Credit: Gadini via pixabay

The skateboard was invented by surfers who wanted to surf on land. They took planks of wood and put wheels on them, then they would ride this down a hill. They called it “Sidewalk Surfing”. After time it started to look like what it looks like today. People came up with tricks you could do like the Ollie or Kick Flip. This is a tutorial on how to do an Ollie  People also started making ramps and going off them.

One of the well known skateboard companies is Vans. This is a link to their web sight: http://www.vans.com. Vans makes shoes and has skate    parks. They also have skateboarding compositions as well as surfing compitisios. Have you ever been to a skate park? If you have then tell me.

Skateboarding was invented in the late forties and early fifties so it has been about sixty years scene it has been invented. What will the future hold for skateboarding? Maybe instead of trucks and wheels some sort of hovering device.

Activity 9: What can our school do about climate change?

Climate change is really bad because it is melting polar ice caps and killing coral reefs we should do some thing as a school. Like maybe we could have a day once a week where we walk or to school. If we do that other schools might copy us and that would make a big difference. When we don’t use cars that puts less smoke in the air which is a big part of climate change.