The New Hybrid


Photo Credit: muzina_shanghai via Compfight cc

The park was build in an island for away from citys if some dinosaur came out.The park was going to be called Jurrasic World most of the dinosaurs were going to be mixed. There going to be small glass ball that 2 people can fit in. They not that safe but the cool thing. They are abould to be control.

The new Hybrid is now coming to a park it is bigger than a T-rex. Also it is not just new it is created by lots of dinosaurus. He grew bigger when he ate his mate that lived in his cage so that how he grew bigger and stronger. Now its is out of it cage and lost in the rainforest this is a very intelegent animal. After 2 days this animal was killing for sport it wasin’t eat them he just killed them and leave them.

They couldin’t catch him because he was so fast that he knew every part they put his food. So they called in the hunter Jake he traned velociraptor. They wanted to kill the animal but every time they send in a team they never come back so Jake tells them if they want him to do it he does it his way.



Traveling to Spain

Before the Trip and Planning

I packed a sandwichs 10 water botels and 2 toielet roll. Me and my cousin were very hungry  so we ate the sandwichs . I forgot to tell you that my cousin was coming . He is older that me he is 2b0 year old and am 18 year old. He drove half the way to the air port were my car will be tranported to the imside of the huge plane. The total cost for the bothe of us was very cheap it was 345 dollars.

Inside The Plane

In the plane it was very nice. The women that were serving were very nice they gave us anfree sode for the both of us. It had movies like Godzilla, Finding Nemo , and my favorite was Tranformers Age of Extintion. When the plane was starting we has to turn off our Iphones and Computers.

After The Trip

After we got to  Spain to see FC Barcelona play.I was the shy one that didin’t talk my cousin did all the talking. I told him that I was going ro rent the Ferarri. On my way to rent the Ferarri I saw a poster that said there was going to be a bull fight. The worst part was the Hotel it costed $It costed 243 a night so i wen’t to a motel but before I left the managers said that I could Stay for free because i was renting the Ferarri. He has a faster car it is the Lycan HyperSport that is more faster than mine. He gave me the best room ever ot had a 90×90 tv and a spa in your room sofa that are remote comtrol.

My Favorite Soccer Team

This Soccer Team FC Barcelona is my Favorite because it has Leonel Menssi and Neymar Jr  they can dribble and juke .The best part about this team is that Messi scored over 200 goals and won again’st Real Madrid , and Real Madrid is the best team ever but this team in my opinion,but FC Barcelona won Real Madrid.

Let’s see, when Messi on a game they pass it to him he dribble and juke half the team of Real Mardid and even the player Ronaldo he sored 1 goal and the other Saurez  he is good to but Messi and Neymar Jr are better. Messi is also in the team Argentina and Neymar Jr is in Brazil.

So do you think this Team is Good? or what because they beat Real Madrid! and now they are wining Real Madrid on Point they are at the Top of the points and wining games


drawn by Isrrael