Penny boarding in my driveway

For Christmas I got a brand new penny board! I was so excited that I had gotten a new penny board! so of course I asked my my dad to move the cars in the driveway so I could ride it. The reason I liked this thing so much is because it’s PINK with PURPLE wheels and is super easy to ride. at first when I got it I rode it standing up but that was BORING so I got in sitting position and moved myself with my hands and to turn a I leaned to one side then the other shifting my wait back and forth. This was MUCH funer and I did not have to focus on balance! And when I went in the back yard to to it it was even FUNER

cause we had a brick path that was so bumby by it was almost as if it was a roller coaster!! And Annie (my dog ) is always tugging me off! It’s really annoying. Anyway all I’m saying is that my penny board is AWESOME!! So I thank my mom and dad for the great idea of buying me a penny board!!!

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