Jimmy and Tommy

Once upon a time there was a jack o lantern named Tommy. He was lonely although one day  a jack o lantern came over. Tommy was so excited!! His name is Jimmy. They played the whole day on the lighting and the apple bobbing. After that it was time for Jimmy to go home. Tommy said”Wait!! I have something for you!” Tommy gave Jimmy his own number so that could pumkintalk and pumkinsee. (In human language its texting and facetime!) When Jimmy went home he started putting in Tommy’s number and they started to pumkintalk. After a few minutes of pumkintalk they finally had to stop because there phone was dead. Then after they ate they decided to pumkinsee. After that they had to go and take a bath. After they took a bath they went to bed and the next day, they met and they played with each other on the see-saw. After that they went to school and never saw each other again.

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