The Basketball Game

Photo Credit: Clap_93 via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Clap_93 via Compfight cc

Mike loved basketball, it was his favorite sport. Every day after school Mike went to the park to play with his friends. Sometimes he would play games or just shoot.One day Mike went to the park to play with his friends but they never showed up. It was getting late so Mike decided to leave. Right when Mike was about to leave a kid named Josh from Mike’s school came challenging Mike to a game, one on one.

Mike said.” I was actually about to go home.” Josh replied back in a threatening voice.” What are you! A little wimp!” And Josh shoved Mike. Mike didn’t want to get bullied by Josh, so he accepted the challenge. ” This Friday, four O’ clock here.” Yelled Josh. ” Deal.” Mike said back.

The rest of the week that’s all Mike could think about. Mike was worried about everything. “Today is the big game. Are you coming to watch me play?” Mike asked to his friend Sam. ” I don’t know, I’ll have to ask my mom.” Sam replied.

After school Josh was waiting an hour for Mike to show up. ” What is taking that loser so long.” Yelled Josh so loud that the whole park could hear him. When Mike showed up he had sweat bands on, a head band, basketball shoes and his basketball.” Ready to lose!” Josh said. Mike yelled back in a striking voice.” I think it’s the exact opposite!” “Those are fighting words.” Said Josh.

Mike and Josh started playing with a jump ball. Mike got the ball first, he started dribbling  up for a lay up. Mike juked Josh out and was going for the shot. Right before Mike was about to shoot Josh stole the ball and made a lay up. Score: 2-0. Mike has the dribbling up the court for a three pointer. Mike went for the three. Missed but Mike got the rebound and scored. Score: 2-2. Josh ran passed Mike and was about to do a lay up when his friends timer rang for half time. Josh dropped the ball and went to the bench for his nice cold water. After Mike got water he grabbed the sweaty basketball and started shooting free throws. There wasn’t much time for that though because about thirty seconds later Josh’s friends timer rang for the end of half time. Josh and Mike shook each others hand and said. ” Good game.” Then the game was back on.

Mike didn’t know what happened to Josh in half time but now, Mike was behind twelve points. Score: 14-2. Mike had to catch up quick! ” I’m going to lose and Josh is going to tell the whole school!” Mike kept saying in his head. About five minutes later without realizing Mike did catch up. Score: 14-10. Mike was getting tired and wanted to quit, so he could go home and take a nap. Mike wished Sam was there to cheer him on to keep going, when Mike realized he doesn’t need somebody for him to win, all he needed was himself. Finally Mike stood up tall and with about two more minutes of the game, Mike was going to do his best because Josh was just jealous of Mike. Mike stole the ball out Josh’s hand and made a lay up. Score: 14-12. All Mike needed to make was a two pointer so it would be a tie game or a three so he would win. Josh was dribbling up the court shooting a three so he knew he would win if he made the shot. When Mike jump up and grabbed the ball so the ball wouldn’t even hit the backboard. Josh was furious he tried to trip Mike as he ran up the court. Josh faked a lay up and went behind the three point line as he was about to win. 5,4,3,2.. Mike shot the three pointer and made a swish he couldn’t believe it, he beat Josh!

Game over Mike won. Score 14-15. ” Lucky shot.” Josh said to Mike. Mike replied back in a proud voice. ” Then why couldn’t you make it.” And Mike walked back home a the sun went down.


I want this story to remind you to stop bullying and take a stand for yourself and believe in yourself because if you believe, then anything is possible.

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