Hunting animals for fun is not right

Hunting animals is not right.Us human don’t want to be the

last species on earth. Sometimes hunter are thinking an animal is not. endangered animal but sometimes when the hunter not looking

closely.they sometimes killed and endangered species then the hunter fleding.many The hunter killed an innocent animals to skin the animal for skins and is selling them as coat for money. But you don’t have to use animal skin for a coat on a cold day…  You can wool for a coat wool come from sheep it doesn’t harm the animal in less they harvest the wool wrong.

So can you please help animals from being hunted

3 thoughts on “Hunting animals for fun is not right

  1. I think hunting animals is not right as well. You can shear a sheep but not kill it. Animals might go extinct if poaching continues.

    • I agree with you and Landon. If poaching keeps happening, animals will become extinct. Its nice that you shared this on your blog.

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