Why Not Walk?

A few summers ago I was in the Cayman Islands for vacation. We walked to all the close places on the island and it felt great! Because of this, I think that people should walk or do other things like bike or skateboard to get to their destination. If people did this they would have fun while getting around. Second, walking saves gas money that you can spend on more important things. Finally, I think that we should walk places because it puts less smog and chemicals in the air and that is better for the environment.

When we walk places we would have fun while getting around. My proof for this is that biking, skateboarding, and walking is fun and having fun feels good. Secondly, when we ride bikes or skateboards we learn a new skill that could become a hobby. Also, if we walk we would get a lot more exercise.

Another reason is that if we walked we would save gas money for the more important things. My reasons for this are that food is much more important than gas for your car. My second reason is that we could save gas money for bills and rent. My third reason is that clothes are more important than gas.

In addition, if we used cars less it would put less smog and chemicals in the air. Also, smog is making the earth warmer and that is melting polar ice caps. Furthermore, smog is making the water dirty, which is killing fish. Lastly, if there were less smog it would make cities cleaner.

For these reasons, I think that if we walked or did other things like skateboard or bike to the place that they are traveling to it would be better. When we do this we will be getting exercise, saving money, and helping the environment. So next time you’re going somewhere, why not try walking?

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