Should Dogs Be in Pounds?

Dogs shouldn’t be in pounds. I think that dogs wouldn’t be there if people treated their pets with respect. Why do people buy or breed them if they are not going to treat them right? I wish I knew why because then maybe I can do something about it and maybe convince people that what they are doing is wrong. Maybe I could make a society where people can come up with ideas to stop people from making a bad decision. Pets have feelings too so you should treat them like family because they are family and you shouldn’t treat family badly. Pets are intelligent creatures. Dogs know how you are feeling and if they can they will try to make you feel comfortable and happy. I picked out some thoughts about dogs in pounds.

First, dogs in pounds are depressed because they don’t have any space to play, they don’t have anybody to play with, and have no families.

Next, dogs in pounds are put to sleep because there is no room for them, they were in pain ,and no one adopted them.

Finally, dogs in pounds are there because their owners couldn’t take care of them, their owners didn’t treat them right, and they didn’t have homes to go to.

Why I chose dogs shouldn’t be in pounds is because I have a dog and I have seen some stuff on the news about people hurting their pets and I thought that it was cruel. I Am an animal lover so when I see or hear that people are hurting their pets, I wonder why they are people hurting their pets and why did they get a pet? It makes me sad to hear and see that their owner has been hurting them. So I take good care of my dog. We love him and he loves us. I hope that one day people will realize that hurting animals is wrong and that they stop hurting animals.

One thought on “Should Dogs Be in Pounds?

  1. Dear Victoria,
    I completely agree with you. Dogs should never ever be put in pounds. I have a dog too, and it makes me so sad to think that dogs like my dog would ever be harmed. I hope someday I can help all the dogs out there find good homes!


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