My Opinion of Kids Staying Inside

Topic: Kids shouldn’t be inside all day

Last week my brother was inside all day and he was lazy all day and he kept saying no to his mom and he was grounded for a week. Then his friends asked him if he wanted to go to a party but he was too lazy to get up so they went without him.Then he said that he had really bad headaches so he went to the eye doctor and the doctor said that my brother needed glasses because he was staring at a screen all day and I want people to be outside most of the time. Not all day but for 2 or 3 hours a day

First of all I don’t like it when kids are inside all day. They do stuff that keeps kids moving like clean the house or make dinner for the family and you could learn how to cook when you cook for your family. That could make you bond with friends and family.

Also if kids are outside then you should be playing sports or being taught how to play a sport. kids should be out to be active and fit. some kids that kept playing sports outside turned out to be superstars and now are really famous. You could take after school classes to use your free time learning new things and you could turn out to be really good at it.

In addition when you are inside you could get vision problems and bad headaches. some kids that watch T.V a lot need to go to the eye doctor and the eye doctor says that you need glasses because you watch too much T.V. you would either have to wear glasses daily or only most of the time. And that is why you shouldn’t be inside all day

Children should not be inside all day they should be playing instead. While you are inside you could do active stuff also and you could bond with family and when outside you should hang out with friends. Some kids that are outside could turn into sport superstars when you are just practicing a sport. When inside some people can get really bad vision problems and would have to wear glasses daily and if you did not get glasses you would get horrible headaches. I want kids to play outside for most of their free time.


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