Week 9: Let’s Shine

This week’s challenge is a test about your blogging skills. (Yes I will be grading this!!!)

Essentials of a great post:

  1. catchy title
  2. includes at least two visuals whether photo, cartoon, video or another web 2.0 tool like padlet, glogster, wordle etc
  3. interesting topic with the passion of the author coming through, shows well researched topic
  4. well written and not copy/pasted from somewhere else
  5. shows it has been proofread and spell checked
  6. written in paragraphs – at least three of them
  7. includes links to other websites on similar topics – at least two of these
  8. attribution for any images, video, music or clip art used – including those used in slideshows etc

Here are some examples of posts from a previous challenge:

So what will the topic be for you to blog about?


Possible writing ideas:

Your favorite animal

Problems like poaching, cruelty, extinction

Anything to do with animals


Make sure you check hints 2, 7 and 8 in the essentials of a great post (at the beginning of this post)

Many of you have already written posts about animals. Please do not just re-post your old work. You need to write a new, original post this week.

2 thoughts on “Week 9: Let’s Shine

  1. G’day Mr Helpern,
    I have just read your student posts about animals. They were fantastic. I usually only add one or two posts from each class into the magazine but these were so good, they have all been flipped.

    I couldn’t flip Bye Bye Pandas though – I think it is because there was the two icons in the title. If the author changes the title then I will try to flip it again.

    I hope I haven’t left any of the posts out of the magazine.

    • Hi Miss W.,
      Thank you for adding our posts to the Flipboard magazine. My students really enjoyed this challenge. We have fixed the post about pandas and removed the emojis from the title. It would be great if that could be added to the magazine as well. Thank you for putting together such an amazing challenge. My students have improved their writing, learned about research and attribution, and most importantly met new people from all over the world. Can’t wait to see where we go from here.
      -Mr. Helpern

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