King of the Beasts

Photo Credit: wwarby via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: wwarby via Compfight cc

This is my favorite big cat. It is because lions are the second biggest big cat in the world. Female lions do most of the hunting so that means that the females did most of the work. They are also my favorite big cat because they mostly are known to hunt in a pack because most of the other big cats hunt alone. The males sometimes hunting but not always.  Also because lions fight for what they want even if it’s dinner or a female they fight for it.

They are also my favorite because lions are in my favorite movie The Lion King. It’s my favorite movie because the movie is about family. The main character Simba tries to get back to his family because he gets separated from his family when there was a stampede and it killed his father. Simba’s uncle was the one who started the stamped so his uncle killed Simba’s dad. And when Simba gets back to his family he finds his uncle and trips so his uncle  falls off a cliff and then Simba was king.

Also because lions are very interesting animals. On a show that I watched a man stayed in a box when lions were out and he was scared. The lions kept growling at him but he was protected in the box. The lions kept scratching at the box and laying on top of it. He survived and after he talked about his experience out with the lions. He said that the lions were very interesting because the lions kept observing the box.


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What is your favorite big cat?

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