Week 3: Let’s show photos

We have been having a great time with the student blogging challenge. We created avatars and learned about quality commenting. This week is going to be about creating posts that contain media (photos, audio, video).

The most important thing that we need to learn about this week is creative commons and copyright. Below are some resources to teach us about these important ideas:

Picture sources:

| Unsplash | Morguefile | Open ClipArt | Pics4Learning | Compfight | Multicolr Search Lab | Wikimedia Commons | Getty Open Content Images | Getty Images | Pixabay |

Music and sound effects sources:

Jamendo14 websites for music, 20+ websites for music, 55+ sites with sound effects

Read Sue Waters’ post for instructions on how to add images and attribution to a post.


 Activity 3: Find an image or piece of music. Add it to your post (with attribution) and write a poem relating to the image or music. Invite your readers to write their own poems.

Examples: Fernando and Samantha

Activity 4: Find an interesting landscape image (include attribution).  Write the beginning of a story relating to your image. Remember to include a conflict of some sort between your characters. Invite your readers to finish the story.

Activity 5: Write a sentence using just images – no words. You still need to include attribution for each image you have used.

Activity 8: Find an image (make sure it is creative commons or public domain) and add it to your post (with attribution). Using a digital camera or your iPad, take an original photo related to the first image and add it to your post. Give yourself credit for the original photograph. Write about how your original photo was inspired by the image you found on the internet.


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